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Today’s Items:

Propaganda War on Syria

In a campaign of half-truths and lies, the coordinated attacks by the main stream media, and politicians like Hillary Clinton, would make Joseph Goebels envious.   With so many military assets in the Mideast, and the Olympics, one can expect a black swan event that will usher in the fighting phase of the third world war.   The good news, is that, with the aid of the internet, more and more people are aware of this activity that resembles Libya on a far larger scale.

IMF Says Japan And Spain Are Done

According to a report from the IMF, both Japan and Spain have gone over the fiscal cliff with a Debt to GDP ratio that will not stabilize.   With that said, here is the kicker, they do not even mention the U.S. at all. Spain has a current Debt to GDP ratio of over 90% while the U.S. has one of 106.7%.  Yes, they can throw numbers around; however, when it comes to the bottom line…   Everyone is broke.

Was Gas Prices Rigged Too?

Motorists may have been paying too much for gas because banks and other traders are likely to have tried to manipulate oil prices in the same way they rigged interest rates.    Retailers use oil price “benchmarks” to decide how much to pay for future supplies and the rate is calculated by data companies based on submissions from firms which trade oil on a daily basis – such as banks, hedge funds and energy companies.

Americans Are Learning How To Resist the Feds Quietly

As more and more rules, regulations, and bogus penalties are created at an exponential rate, many American business have come up with a way to skirt the system…   Ignore the B.S. and pay lawyers to make going after them too hard.   In short, Americans know the government is actively hostile to business; thus, they may as well be hostile in return.   Perhaps, they even use creative bookkeeping to hide large amounts of possible tax revenue and starve the government out of existence.

Retail Sales Fall More Than Expected in Third Straight Monthly Decline

According to the Commerce Department, retail sales fell 0.5 percent in June from May.   The drop in sales followed declines in the previous two months.   Perhaps too many people have ran out unemployment benefits and it takes time to transition to disability paychecks.   With back to school shopping starting, it will be interesting to see how the numbers work going forward.

California Cities Eye Plan to Seize Mortgages

The median home price has plunged to $150,000 from $370,000 in five years.   Using the idea of eminent domain, the goal of this plan, within bankrupt San Bernardino, is to keep homeowners saddled by large mortgage payments from losing their homes — which are now valued at a fraction of what they were once worth.

Hidden Government Scanners

Within the next year or two, the Department of Homeland Insecurity, using a new mobile laser-based molecular scanner fired from 164 feet away, will know what you had for breakfast and will be able to detect a single molecule of banned material like, perhaps, raw milk.   Of course, there has not been, and unlikely will be, any discussion about the personal rights and privacy issues involved.

Finally, please prepare now for the escalating economic and social unrest. Good Day!

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