140929 – Spotlight On Fed

Today’s Items:

New York Fed

Recorded secret conversations make it apparent that the New York Fed has been too deferential to the firms it regulates to put it mildly.   The Fed is already under fire from lawmakers who have called for it to be more closely audited.   This only adds fuel to the fire as more light gets exposed on potentially the history’s biggest criminal enterprise.

Affect of Weak Gold Prices

With the manipulated price of gold exhibiting distress, some realize a bargain. For instance, Dubai consumers, have begun a pre-festival buying spree on the yellow metal.    The paper manipulators may play all the games they want with gold and silver; however, in the end, it will be physical that counts.    To that end, after preparing, keep stacking physical.

Response to Political Correctness

Please watch this woman as she destroys political correctness on how the peaceful majority is irrelevant when it comes to Muslim radicals.    Make the shape of a gun with your finger, drink raw milk, or believe in views opposed to the status quo and you’re a terrorist.    Behead someone because they are not the same religion as you and that’s workplace violence?    Meanwhile, we have a President who praises a Muslim Cleric that endorsed a Fatwa against American troops.


23.2% of Americans, ages 25 to 54, are not employed.    So, out of 124.5 million Americans in this age group, 28.9 million are not employed.   In addition, the workforce overall has shrunk nearly 10 million since 2009.


Secretary John Kerry announced that the U.S., the most in debt nation on earth, will contribute 15 million taxpayer dollars to limit methane emissions.    He very good at spending other people’s money…   Just ask his wife.   Anyway, could the reason the USDA is buying sub-machine guns is to take out the cows?

EPA Knew About Pesticides

According to a scholarly 2014 study compiled by researcher Rosemary Mason, the communists at the EPA knew that pesticides were killing honeybees in the 1970’s but punished those who spoke out.

Water Older than Sun

New research has come out stating that the water on earth may be older than the sun arriving from interstellar space on asteroids and comets.    Pardon me as I have a palm in face moment and reflect that, scientifically, oxygen is a heavy element that had to be produced by a previous star; thus, this should have been a no brainer.

Finally, please prepare now for the escalating economic and social unrest.    Good Day!

All content contained on the Hyper Report, and attached videos is provided for informational and entertainment purposes only.   ‘Hyper Report’ assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, the content on this site is provided without any warranty, express or implied.   No material here constitutes “Investment advice” nor is it a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument, including but not limited to stocks, commodities, corporation, options, bonds, futures, or intrinsically valueless Federal Reserve Notes.   Any actions you, the reader/listener, take as a consequence of any analysis, opinion, or advertisement on this site/video is your sole responsibility.

140926 – Economic Snapshot

Today’s Items:

U.S. Debts

According to Michael Pento, despite the propaganda, what is really happening in the U.S. is terrifying.    By the end of 2014, total U.S. credit card debt is expected to rise by 54.8 billion dollars.    Almost 19% of student loan borrowers owe more than 50,000 dollars as opposed to 6% in 2001.    Student loan debt, at 1.2 trillion dollars, is larger than credit card and auto loan debt.    The average vehicle loan soared to a record high of over 27,000 dollars.

Economic Snapshot

The good news is that the national debt is only 17 trillion dollars and is growing by leaps and bounds.    The bad news is that unfunded liabilities, like Social Security, now stands at about 240 trillion dollars.    In addition, banks are in debt to the tune of 1 quadrillion dollars in the ponzi scheme of credit swap derivatives.      If the estimated value of the planet is merely 100 trillion dollars, how does one pay all of this debt off?

Ebola Pandemic

The Ebola crisis is fast approaching a point of no return as the number of Ebola cases in Liberia and Sierra Leone is approximately doubling every 20 days.    The fatality rate for this Ebola outbreak has risen to 71% and if it continues to spread like wildfire, it may spread globally.    At least the news is not as bad as Apple puling its latest IOS because it causes the iPhone 6 to crash.

Eric’s Departure

Eric Holder, who presided over possibly the most corrupt Department of Justice, is looking to find a quick exit.   With that said, the contempt of Congress case against this sitting Cabinet member will proceed.    Maybe, he’ll will be wearing an orange jumpsuit soon?

Poor Lois Lerner

Lois Lerner is very sad.    She has become the poster-child of why Americans hate the IRS. Employers will not hire this former dental hygienist who invoked the Fifth in regards to the IRS scandal.    When lawmakers in both political parties are blaming you Lois, what do you expect?

Statistics Spin

As unbelievable as it may sound, reporters at the AP actually identified how Obama was spinning facts.    For instance, how can a plan announced in 2013 affect reduced emissions in 2012?    Also, did you know that, according to Obama, Europe is a country?

7 Reasons to Ditch Big Pharma Antibiotics

Here are a few…
1. Weakens the immune system.
2. There are recurring infections
3. There are cancer links

Driver’s Licenses

Fake driver’s licenses, from China, are flooding the U.S. market and could pose a real threat. Perhaps they may be good enough to get a person on an airplane.    Of course, that doesn’t matter since illegal aliens do not need ID’s to board planes.    Could this have been initiated by certain elements in the U.S. government to blur the line even more for illegal aliens for amnesty?

5 Survivor Traits

Without going into any detail, here are the five survivor traits that make a prepper successful…
1. Knowing when to lead and when to listen.
2. Being able to budget.
3. Appreciate a challenge.
4. Enjoys gardening.
5. Confidently take risks.

Finally, please prepare now for the escalating economic and social unrest.    Good Day!

All content contained on the Hyper Report, and attached videos is provided for informational and entertainment purposes only.    ‘Hyper Report’ assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, the content on this site is provided without any warranty, express or implied.    No material here constitutes “Investment advice” nor is it a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument, including but not limited to stocks, commodities, corporation, options, bonds, futures, or intrinsically valueless Federal Reserve Notes.    Any actions you, the reader/listener, take as a consequence of any analysis, opinion, or advertisement on this site/video is your sole responsibility.

140922 – Docking Pay

Today’s Items:


If one can seriously believe anything from the CIA, they claim that they have curbed spying on friendly governments in Western Europe.     Sure they have, because the NSA has taken up the slack in that department.


According to officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are 550,000, or more, Ebola infections in West Africa.    The stated solution?    Invest 988 million dollars over the next six months and send in 3,000 U.S. Troops?     Those 3,000 U.S. troops will be just as effective in fighting Ebola as 3,000 hypodermic needles are in fighting ISIS.     Speaking of ISIS…

McCain Mutiny

Despite the best efforts by McCain’s press office and his accomplices in the mainstream media, it is getting harder for Senator McCain to deny he met with his ISIS buddies in May 2013.     Especially when there are multiple pictures of their meeting.

NATO Gun-Running

The single biggest threat to peace and prosperity in Eurasia today is NATO as they continue to directly arm non-NATO member Ukraine.    This is, of course, not part of NATO’s charter; thus, it is illegal.     Of course, since when do laws mean anything nowadays?


As more money goes rushing into the Dow and the S&P 500, they continue to break records.    So, with everything going so wonderfully, why are ultra-wealthy individuals increasing their purchase of gold bars by 243%, so far, this year?     Maybe they are not interested in dumping money into the horribly mismanaged company Twitter, like everyone else.     It is beginning to appear again that in economics, the majority is always wrong as the entire fiat system may be one Fed policy from complete ruin.  In addition, some, due to silver’s dropping price, believe that October is going to be a bad month for stocks.

Docking Pay

With an average American household having $6,802 in credit card debt, 1 in 10 Americans between the ages of 35 and 44 had money seized from a paycheck and sent off to pay a debt last year.    Those living in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Texas did not have worry about this since those states do not allow garnishment of wages.  Yet!

50 Facts About America Today

Here are a few…
1. Only 36% of Americans can name the three branches of government.
2. Only 25% of Americans know how long U.S. Senators are elected for.
3. Single Americans now make up more than half of the U.S. population.
4. Small business ownership in the U.S. is at the lowest level recorded.

Visual History

Please review the infographic showing what a dollar could buy today compared to the past.    For example, in 1913, a dollar could buy you 4 pounds of sirloin steak, today it will buy you a little under 3 ounces.     Are you ready for the day when a loaf of bread costs 10 dollars?

Finally, please prepare now for the escalating economic and social unrest.    Good Day!

All content contained on the Hyper Report, and attached videos is provided for informational and entertainment purposes only.    ‘Hyper Report’ assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, the content on this site is provided without any warranty, express or implied.    No material here constitutes “Investment advice” nor is it a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument, including but not limited to stocks, commodities, corporation, options, bonds, futures, or intrinsically valueless Federal Reserve Notes.    Any actions you, the reader/listener, take as a consequence of any analysis, opinion, or advertisement on this site/video is your sole responsibility.