Worst Week For Obama – So Far…

News Flash:

In one week, Obama got caught whispering promises to our enemy, incited a race war, raised serious questions about his understanding of the Constitution, and then got smacked down over his proposed budget that was so wildly reckless that even Democrats in Congress could not support it.

Just imagine what things will be like when we hit the debt ceiling and other “Black Swan” events.

More at http://www.washingtontimes.com

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Source Links for Today’s Items:

European Central Bank Rescue Fund Won’t Solver Crisis

The European Central Bank Rescue Fund rescue fund being set up will not solve the crisis.  No matter how many paper euros they put into it.  When multiple socialist economies spend far more than they bring in, is that really any surprise?  The one thing that can be counted on is when this falls apart for Europe, then the U.S., it will be ugly.  I mean so ugly that it will give Freddy Kruegger nightmares.

Brazil to Rally BRICS Against Rich Countries

Brazil will push for its large emerging-market peers to denounce unfair monetary policies by the E.U. and the U.S..  Of course, with the manipulated printing and scheming by the E.U. and the U.S., they may not have to do anything but wait for the big fall.

Your Retirement Funds Will Be Confiscated Eventually

The system is going to implode and you need to know and be sure of that.  This September, the U.S. government will run out of money AGAIN!  Democrats in the Senate held a recess hearing to seize private 401(k) plans to more “fairly” distribute taxpayer-funded pensions to everyone.  In short, keep stacking physical and get out of paper.

Bank Closings Signal Coming Collapse

FDIC spent almost a billion dollars on failed banks in January of 2012 alone.  FDIC contingent loss reserve fell from $7.2 billion to $6.5 billion in the last quarter of 2011 alone.  Add this to the Global Derivatives exposure, that roughly estimated at 1,000 trillion dollars, and things are looking bad.  Make no mistake, the Federal Reserve will accelerate their printing to cover 119 trillion dollars currently in circulation.  It will happen. The only question is when.

Rising Gas Prices Take Toll On American Families

According to a Washington Post/ABC News poll, two-thirds of Americans are very concerned about rising gas prices, and about half of Americans believe prices will continue to rise.  Despite the moratorium on Gulf oil drilling and other actions, Barry err Barack Obama is still blaming Bush for gas prices.

You Don’t Have To Be A Criminal Sexual Deviant To Work For The TSA… But It Helps

Obama’s civilian military counterpart, known as the TSA, appears to be made up of thieves, criminals, pedophiles, sexual perverts, and other deviant low life scum bags.  Placing blue shirts on these waste-of-skin monsters is like placing lipstick on a pig.  No wonder there is an ongoing effort to curb their powers. Janet Napolitano must be so proud of his pet SS force.

Fed Buying 61 Percent of US Debt

In 2011, the Federal Reserve purchased a stunning 61 percent of the total net Treasury issuance.  Fed intervention in the government debt market makes demand for Treasury bonds appear higher than it really is.  Bet your glad that Sugar Daddy Bernanke stated that the Federal Reserve will not monetize the debt.

Finally, Please prepare now for the escalating economic and social unrest. Good Day

Best Buy – Real Economic Indicator!!!

News Flash:

To save costs, officials at Best Buy, the biggest U.S. specialty electronics retailer, said that they are going to close 50 big box stores and open 100 small mobile locations in the U.S. in fiscal 2013 and cut $800 million in costs by fiscal 2015. In addition, another 400 employees will be laid off.

The electronics’s industry is one of the most unregulated industries. When it starts having problems, then major trouble is very near by folks. In short, get ready, because this situation is going to cause a domino effect that is going to be very ugly for everyone in the very near future.

More at http://www.chicagotribune.com

The opinionated content contained in the Hyper Report text and videos are provided for informational and entertainment purposes only. Please use the information found within this site as a starting point for conducting your own research and before making any investing decisions. All stories are sourced and the information is assumed to be truthful and reliable; however, I cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information.