131231 – Stay Warm!

Today’s Items:

The Big Picture

According to Bill Haynes, here is the big picture as we head into 2014.     Despite dismal performances of gold and silver, they remain safe havens.    From China to the U.S., printing money is the only solution to the growing global financial disaster.    When people realize that massive money creation leads only to destruction of currencies and economies, that is when, they will return to the metals, slowly at first then in a mad rush.

Obamawreck CEO

The White House is coming under pressure from some of its closest allies on healthcare reform to name a chief executive to run Obamawreck.     In short, they want a Fannie Mae like Fascist takeover of the healthcare system.

End Of Jobless Benefits

Well, the social pot of money is running dry and 1.3 million Americans are now about to lose emergency unemployment benefits.    The program was to extend the six months of state unemployment benefits; however, Congress, being in a financial bind, cannot support both the bogusly reported unemployment situation and the ongoing international terror err…  war effort.

Fast and Furious

Thanks to new revelations by whistleblower John Dodson, it turns out that the FBI played a key role in events leading to the 2010 murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.      So, it was not just the ATF, but the FBI as well.     No wonder Obama and Holder hate whistleblowers.

California Desperate

After the have-not’s in California decided to vote to raise taxes, state revenues decreased as residents and business have left in droves.     To that end, they need tax money from anywhere they can get it.     The state will use bank accounts and people’s social, religious, and professional locations to determine whether a person is no longer a Californian.     The burden is on the taxpayer to show they are not a Californian for tax purposes; however, one can move to another state and get citizenship.

Global Warming Irony

The mainstream media, for some mysterious reason, is not reporting that a ship, carrying a group of global warming scientists, is trapped in Antarctic ice.    Keep in mind, that it is summer down there when the ice should be melting.     Don’t you just feel their pain?

Finally, please prepare now for the escalating economic and social unrest.    Good Day!

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131230 – Michigan Nullifies NDAA

Today’s Items:

West Destroying Itself

According to Keith Barron, QE has been a total failure; in that, it has not produced the jobs and filtered down to the man on the street.     Against the backdrop of a roaring stock market, there still are 50 million Americans living on food stamps and U.S. municipalities going bankrupt.       So, when the Stock Market bubble pops, it will be dramatic.     This is why it will be more important to have real assets and not debt instruments.   To that end, after preparing, keep stacking physical.

10 Year Yields

10 Year U.S. Treasury yields have hit 3.019%.    This is the highest since May 2011.   As rates get higher, the ability to service the debt will get much more difficult.    It will either end with default or hyperinflation.

Bitcoin Exchanges In India

Government agents have raided the home of the top Bitcoin exchange operator in India.     India’s largest Bitcoin exchange has been shut down to protect their customers.    While the worldwide attack on Bitcoin continues, it is interesting to note that the India gold tax has hit bridal budgets as brides in India are paying a 20% premium for their wedding finery this season.     No wonder smuggling is up in that country.

Vaccine Research Fraud

Another vaccine researcher has been caught faking research on a bogus AIDS vaccine.    The purpose of this fraud was to gain 19 million dollars in grants; however, there are other instances; such as, when Merck vaccine scientists blew the whistle on similar fraud inside Big Pharma.    The sad part, is that there is no legal punishment for scientific fraud; however, more and more people are catching on to the fraud that is the seasonal vaccines lies.

13 Milestones In 2013

Here are a few of those milestones…
1. In 2013, 52% of Americans believe in legalizing marijuana.
2. In 2013, 52% of Americans believe the U.S. should mind its own business.
3. In 2013, 53% of Americans believe the Federal Government is a threat to them.

Michigan Nullifies NDAA

Michigan is the first state, using the 10th amendment of the U.S. Constitution, to address the NDAA’s indefinite detention.    It strictly forbids any state official from assisting an agency of the U.S. armed forces in the investigation, prosecution, or detainment of any citizen of the United States under certain circumstances.    Needless to say, the Department of Injustice will challenge this.

Finally, please prepare now for the escalating economic and social unrest.    Good Day!

All content contained on the Hyper Report, and attached videos is provided for informational and entertainment purposes only.   ‘Hyper Report’ assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, the content on this site is provided without any warranty, express or implied.    No material here constitutes “Investment advice” nor is it a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument, including but not limited to stocks, commodities, corporation, options, bonds, futures, or intrinsically valueless Federal Reserve Notes.    Any actions you, the reader/listener, take as a consequence of any analysis, opinion, or advertisement on this site/video is your sole responsibility.

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131228 – Two-Tiered Injustice

Today’s Items:

Stabbed In The Back

In less than a year, Obama, the deceiver and liar, has not only lost all credibility with Obamawreck, but also on the world-wide stage as well.   For example, with the revelation of secret negotiations with Iran, Obama has made an enemy of the Saudi Arabian Royal Family.    No amount of bowing will help this prick and I am all out of crocodile tears.

Scooping Up Gold

It turns out that China and India are not alone in taking advantage of the gold price dip.   Gold shops in Saudi Arabia are flourishing because consumer demand has increased 25% due to the gold price dip.    People who trade in real gold know a bargain when they see one.

Judge Upholds NSA Phone Snooping

Federal Judge William Pauley, whom Obama will likely nominate for the U.S. Supreme Court, has upheld that the NSA can, in dragnet fashion, collect millions of Americans phone calls without a warrant.    Hey William, perhaps you may want to get out of that blue dress and wipe your mouth off.

Unemployment Benefits

1.3 million Americans will lose their unemployment benefits today.    This will, of course, be spinned into good news as the bogusly calculated unemployment rate is lowered.    The fact that three job seekers are competing for each opening and the 4 million of those who have been unemployed more than 37 weeks is not a good sign for the new year.

To Big For Jail

For years, JP Morgan has obstructed any investigation into one of their clients… Bernard Madoff.    Now, it turns out that officials at the Department of Injustice stated they were not going to enforce a subpoena, from the Treasury Inspector General, to explore potential criminal activity by JP Morgan.    The bottom line, since 2008, banks have pretty much escaped any criminal wrongdoing and Americans have been left out in the cold as Eric Holder protects the To Big For Jail banks.

Debtors Prison

As states and counties grapple with shrinking budgets and yearly shortfalls, they find new ways to spend money by throwing poor people into prison?    This is exactly what is happening as people struggling to pay overdue fines and fees, like simple traffic violations, are being thrown into jail.    What’s next?    Work houses for orphans?   Someone needs to scare the Dickens into these people.

Finally, please prepare now for the escalating economic and social unrest.    Good Day!

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