Title IX Rule Change

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos has revised the rules for Title IX cases.  Under Obama,, colleges and universities did not allow defendants, or their attorney’s, to cross-exam victims which violated the sixth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

This whole setup by colleges and universities having some form of ‘Star Chamber‘ justice system that violates the U.S. Constitution was and is very scary.

It is natural, that administrators, with advise from their legal counsel, will want to avoid the possibility of embarrassment, or possible charges of neglect for not protecting students, will take the easier route of isolating any defendant from the rest of the student body.

There are three basic rights that all citizens of the United States share… These are the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  When public authorities, without legal due process with the use of a real court, infringe on a person’s right, this is clearly illegal.  What right does a public university have to take someone off a sports team for a sexual harassment/assault charge without being found guilty in real court of law?  None, because it infringes that person’s right to pursue happiness.

Just a final thought on this… If a group of lawyers, and administrators, have actively conspired to violate a person’s rights the manner described above, then there everyone involved should be brought up on violating the RICO Act.