Today’s Items:

Golden Yuan

As of the 19th of April, the Chinese Yuan is now backed by physical gold while other currencies are backed by debt. In addition, the Chinese will not allow for the exchange of their Yuan for U.S. dollars. Needless to say, this, along with the Chinese buying physical silver, means that this is close to game over.

What Settlement?

We are being told that the CFTC was unaware of the Deutsche Bank’s admission of gold and silver price rigging and turning of state’s evidence to identify other banks who colluded with them in this rigging.’ Considering that the criminal enablers at the CFTC closed a multi-year silver price manipulation scandal stating they found no evidence of manipulation, one could surmise that the CFTC never ever wants to know.

Private Pensions

A dark storm is brewing in the world of private pensions as Central States Pension Fund, one of the largest U.S. pension funds, is set to cut retiree benefits. They project that they will, because of negative returns, officially become insolvent by 2025. Needless to say, as things get worse, look for the U.S. government to come to the so-called rescue and force all pensions to buy worthless U.S. Treasuries.

Federalization of Police

53 police departments around the country have signed to be accountable to Obama’s thugs at the Department of Homeland Insecurity. The data being gathered at local levels is likely going into a federal database that is overseen by federal authorities. Watch as the ‘No-Fly’, ‘Gun Ban’, or ‘Terrorist Watch‘ lists grow exponentially.

FBI Leak

The feud between the FBI and the Department of Injustice continues as Obama’s criminal enablers continue to illegally shield Hillary Clinton from prosecution for violating of the Espionage Act. To that end, expect more leaks about Hillary’s criminal enterprise to force the issue into the open as the Department of Injustice stonewalls any investigation.

GOP’s Slime Dog

Lindsey Graham, by blocking a bill that would open the door for victims of the 9/11 terrorist attack to sue Saudi Arabia, has yet again shown where his loyalties lie. He states that he is doing this; so that, to prevent the U.S. government being sued for war crimes. Ever notice how the GOP establishment always picks a sleeze bag to do their dirty work? In addition, Saudi Arabia is warning they will sell off billions in Treasuries if Congress passes that bill.

20 Dollar Bill

While many know that a Democrat slave owner, Andrew Jackson, will be replaced by a black pro-gun Republican woman, Harriet Tubman, on the $20 bill in 2020, the idea that there are more $20 bills being printed than $10 bills should be of great concern. The fact that people are gravitating to the third largest denominated bill under the $50 and $100 shows that there is something wrong with the economy.

Finally, please prepare now for the escalating economic and social unrest. Good Day!

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160417 – U.S. is Doomed?

Today’s Items:

Financial Chaos

Because of security concerns, both the president and vice president do not normally have meetings with the chair of the Federal Reserve; however, this along with banker summits, crashing European banks, and the worst bank reports since the Great Recession pretty much paints a picture that something very bad is quickly coming this way.

Admitted Gold Price Manipulation

As part of a settlement in federal court, Deutsche Bank, admitted that they participated in gold and silver price manipulation and will help in identifying other banks that participated in the manipulation. Even with this agreement, the Canadians are now going to take Deutsche Bank to the woodshed as it is going to hit the fan as this international fraud goes mainstream.

$3.4 Trillion Pension Hole

Because pension managers have invested in derivatives, the U.S. public pension system has developed a $3.4 trillion funding hole that will force cities and states to cut spending and/or raise taxes to avoid a Detroit-style bankruptcy. Watch as the usual suspects head for the exits as the U.S. banking system gets nationalized to pay not only pensions but other debts as well.

U.S. is Doomed?

Any country that cannot defend its borders is doomed. Here are a few items that show that the U.S. is doomed…
1. The U.S. Border Patrol has been ordered to release illegal aliens as they enter the country.
2. The Small Business Administration is financially helping illegal aliens start small businesses at taxpayers expense.
3. The IRS is struggling to ensure that illegal aliens are able to illegally use Social Security Numbers.

Classified, but Not Classified?

Obama, when referring to the growing national security scandal dealing with Hillary Clinton’s emails stated that “there’s classified, and then there’s classified.’ Well, Obama, based on that, one should guess that there the law, and then there is the law. He went on to say that evidence, not politics will dictate the outcome of the FBI’s investigation. Right… Don’t hold your breath.

College Tuition

According to a report from the American Action Forum, college tuition has more than doubled in the past 30 years and has outpaced inflation by 2 to 4%. In addition, increased student borrowing through the federal student loan program explains more than 50% of the rise in tuition. With so much student debt and less employment opportunities to pay off that debt, the education bubble will pop.

Finally, please prepare now for the escalating economic and social unrest. Good Day!

All content contained on the Hyper Report, and attached videos is provided for informational entertainment purposes only. ‘Hyper Report’ all information to be truthful and reliable; however, the content on this site is provided without any warranty, express or implied. No material here constitutes “Investment advice” nor is it a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument, including but not limited to stocks, commodities, corporation, options, bonds, futures, or intrinsically valueless Federal Reserve Notes. Any actions you, the reader/listener, take as a consequence of any analysis, opinion, or advertisement on this site/video is your sole responsibility.

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160410 – No Time Left?

Today’s Items:

Purchases with Fingerprints

Starting this summer, the Japanese government will test a system in which foreign tourists will only be able to buy items using only their fingerprints. The claim is that it will prevent crime and relieve users from the necessity of carrying cash or credit cards. Only an idiot would believe that this is any good because there are a multitude a ways, from superglue to baby powder, to lift fingerprints. In short, this is another front on the war on cash.

U.S. Debt

An auditor for the Government Accountability Office told lawmakers that in the next few years the federal government will owe more than the U.S. economy produces. In addition, an audit also called into question the reliability of the government’s financial statements; thus, we are likely beyond that point now.

Comparing 1930s and Today

Here are just a few differences between the 1930’s and today…
1. In the 1930’s, banks, insurance and big companies went under, today bankruptcy laws keep them afloat at taxpayer’s expense.
2. In the 1930’s, if a person lost their job, there was no safety net, today, there is unemployment and welfare at taxpayer’s expense.
3. In the 1930’s taxes took a maximum of 23.2% if they were a millionaire, today, there are so many taxes, it stifles incentive.

No Time Left

Please watch this video on how our economic system is wobbling as printing of currency is going into the market like a fire-hose filling a Dixie cup.

“Active Shooter” Drill

History shows that terror attacks take place during drills by government agencies. To that end, it appears the government is getting the population ready for a national police state. In one recent active shooter drill, the local police were not even aware of it as they responded to frightened citizens calls.

Fast and Furious

After four long years of investigating Obama’s role in running guns to Mexico, and the death of hundreds including a border patrol agent, the Justice Department has finally released documents. It is not lost on anyone that this is taking place well after it could do any significant damage to Obama.

Facebook Stressed

People on Facebook are not sharing their personal information and this ‘context collapse’ has Facebook concerned. See, if people are not sharing their information, they will leave Facebook, which in turn, will result in a drop in ad revenue. While people share news stories, personal information is getting more sparse and this is likely the result of Facebook stand on privacy and selling people’s information.

Finally, please prepare now for the escalating economic and social unrest. Good Day!

All content contained on the Hyper Report, and attached videos is provided for informational entertainment purposes only. ‘Hyper Report’ all information to be truthful and reliable; however, the content on this site is provided without any warranty, express or implied. No material here constitutes “Investment advice” nor is it a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument, including but not limited to stocks, commodities, corporation, options, bonds, futures, or intrinsically valueless Federal Reserve Notes. Any actions you, the reader/listener, take as a consequence of any analysis, opinion, or advertisement on this site/video is your sole responsibility.

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