150730 – Crime Pays for College

Today’s Items:

Global Ponzi Scheme Unraveling

Robert Arnott, who oversees $175 billion, issued a warning that pretty much everything outside of mainstream stocks is flat to down over the last 30 months. The more extend and pretend policies; such as, what is being done in Greece, that are put into place by central banks, the harder the fall will be.

Turkey for ISIS

When ISIS leader Abu Sayyaf was killed, documents at his compound showed undeniable deals between Turkish officials and ISIS leaders to kill Christians. Of course, there are those high in the U.S. government that did not want this to be exposed this at this time because Turkey is a NATO partner.

Eleven Signs of the Times

Here are a few…
1. Body parts of aborted babies are being illegally bought and sold with the full support of Obama.
2. In 2015, rates of violent crime are increasing by double digit percentages in many major U.S. cities.
3. The IRS hung up on 8.8 million taxpayers that called in looking for help during the recent tax season.

Social Security Fix

Social Security disability is expected to be depleted in the fourth quarter of 2016 and the general fund will be become depleted by 2034, meaning if you are 47 years or younger, you can kiss Social Security goodbye. So, with that in mind, several dozen members of Congress introduced the “One Social Security Act” that will combine the two funds and hide the insolvency of one by fraud.

Rental Crunch

Here are a few of the thirteen cities that are experiencing at least a 10% increase in rent in a year ending in June. They are Austin, Houston, San Antonio, Denver, Seattle, and Portland.

Crime Pays for College

Even though Congress banned student aid to prisoners in federal and state prisons, Obama’s Department of Edumacation has confirmed that they will begin rewarding prisoners with Pell grants to attend college. So, it appears crime does pay as soon-to-be felons will be getting their free lunch and college degrees without those pesky student loans.


In another example of how well the economy is doing, 21.3% or 52.2 million, or one in five Americans need government assistance to survive. This is the highest number, proportionately, since the Great Depression.

Finally, please prepare now for the escalating economic and social unrest. Good Day!

All content contained on the Hyper Report, and attached videos is provided for informational entertainment purposes only. ‘Hyper Report’ all information to be truthful and reliable; however, the content on this site is provided without any warranty, express or implied. No material here constitutes “Investment advice” nor is it a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument, including but not limited to stocks, commodities, corporation, options, bonds, futures, or intrinsically valueless Federal Reserve Notes. Any actions you, the reader/listener, take as a consequence of any analysis, opinion, or advertisement on this site/video is your sole responsibility.

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150726 – Social Security Cuts

Today’s Items:


Because of the IMF, and by extension, Washington’s, failure to provide the world’s most important emerging economies with representation that’s commensurate with their economic clout, the BRICS Bank and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank have pledged a partnership and issue loans, not in U.S. Dollars, but in Yuan.

Venezuela’s Hyperinflation Crack-Up

Venezuela’s hyperinflation is reaching its final stages amid capital controls and a collapse of Venezuela’s currency on the “black” market. In fact, since the beginning of 2015, that country’s stock market is up by more than 300%. As more printing of currency is done, the stock market will go up to reflect the printing.

Financial Disaster Starts Here

Investors, to get a decent income stream, have been flocking to junk bonds because the Fed lowered interest rates to near zero. In fact, junk bond issues soared 483% between 2008 and 2014. Junk bonds are usually issued by companies with shaky finances; thus, when this bull market eventually ends, there will be panic.

Middle Class Disappearing Act

A study revealed the percentage of American middle-class households dropped in every state between the years 2000 and 2013. Households with earnings between 67% to 200% of their respective state’s median income fell during that period. From stagnant wages to the unbalanced worker-to-productivity ratio, the middle class has lost ground in every state. Please take a look for yourself to see how your state is doing.

7 Facts about Social Security

Here are a few…
1. A lot of people don’t even know when they can begin to take benefits.
2. Because of changing demographics, Social Security is no longer a good deal for many workers.
3. Select groups of people, like religious groups, have been able to opt out of Social Security.
At least there are no plans for making any cuts in Social Security…

Social Security Cuts

If Congress doesn’t act, people receiving Social Security disability benefits could see a nearly 20% cut to payments at the end of next year. The disability trust fund will be depleted by the fourth quarter of 2016, leaving the administration with enough income to pay 81% of benefits.

Panic Button

A new poll shows Hillary Clinton losing three swing states and deep in negative territory; thus, it’s no longer a question of whether Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee for president in 2016; it’s only a question of when she will drop out of the race. It will be fun to watch the old hag cackle as she melts down into a pool of slush. I’m melting!

Finally, please prepare now for the escalating economic and social unrest. Good Day!

All content contained on the Hyper Report, and attached videos is provided for informational entertainment purposes only. ‘Hyper Report’ all information to be truthful and reliable; however, the content on this site is provided without any warranty, express or implied. No material here constitutes “Investment advice” nor is it a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument, including but not limited to stocks, commodities, corporation, options, bonds, futures, or intrinsically valueless Federal Reserve Notes. Any actions you, the reader/listener, take as a consequence of any analysis, opinion, or advertisement on this site/video is your sole responsibility.

Thank you

150723 – Elite Sinking Signs

Today’s Items:

China’s Economy

Here are some interesting facts about China’s economy…
1. The total number of stock brokerage accounts in China is less than 10% of the entire population.
2. At $21 trillion to $7.9 trillion in savings, Chinese save $2.6 for every $1 America saves.
3. China builds for the future; in that, a ghost city built in 2013 now has 4.2 million Chinese living there.

Let’s Invade Syria?

Here we go again folks. The ‘Ministry of Truth’, or U.S. policymakers, are pushing for the US invasion and occupation of Syria. Could this be because the $1 billion covert CIA Syrian budget is facing a potential 20% cut; thus, they need the U.S. Military to have an active involvement to overthrow another nation?

25 Elite Sinking Signs

Here are a few of the 25 signs that the elite are going down…
1. 57 Nations approved as founding members of the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
2. Russia and China announced that all natural gas and crude oil sales between them will now be done in Chinese currency.
3. The BRICS Bank officially has open for business.

ABC’s of the Police State

Please view this video as it shows the ABC’s of a police state from ‘A’ for ‘American Police State’ to ‘Z’ for ‘Zero Tolerance.’ I like ‘H’ for ‘Hollow-point Bullets.’

Gun Ownership Equals Safety

By 68%, a new Rasmussen poll found that an overwhelming margin of Americans “feel safer in a neighborhood where guns are allowed.’ Since 2007, the number of concealed handgun permits has soared from 4.6 million to 12.8 million. Thank you Obama, Holder, and Diane Feinstein.

Let Us Do the Driving

A flaw in several Chrysler models; such as, Jeep Cherekees or Dodge Rams lets hackers remotely control them over the Internet that places the car’s occupants in danger. One main question that comes to mind is why is there any need for the operations of a car to be internet accessible in the first place?

10 Natural Anti-biotics

Here are a few…
1. Garlic
2. Honey
3. Turmeric
4. Ginger – And I do not mean Ginger Grant from Gilligan’s Island.

Finally, please prepare now for the escalating economic and social unrest. Good Day!

All content contained on the Hyper Report, and attached videos is provided for informational entertainment purposes only. ‘Hyper Report’ all information to be truthful and reliable; however, the content on this site is provided without any warranty, express or implied. No material here constitutes “Investment advice” nor is it a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument, including but not limited to stocks, commodities, corporation, options, bonds, futures, or intrinsically valueless Federal Reserve Notes. Any actions you, the reader/listener, take as a consequence of any analysis, opinion, or advertisement on this site/video is your sole responsibility.

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