130314 – Obamacare Bites Fido

Today’s Items:

Fed’s QE End Game

As more and more people become concerned about the Fed’s QE program, there appears to be one three-stage exit strategy for the Fed from their Quantitative Easing program.
Stage 1: Continue QE to de-leverage bank balance sheets by adding bank reserves.
Stage 2: Inflate currency dramatically to gain public support for a monetary system change.
Stage 3: Initiate a monetary reset that recaptures popular confidence following hyperinflation with universally accepted assets.
Since gold appears to be about to become a tier-1 asset and central banks around the world are scooping up the yellow metal, expect physical gold prices to rise dramatically in the not-to-distant future.  To that end, after preparing, keep stacking physical.

Fed and Bonds

The Fed, has purchased a 30 year Treasury bond only to sell it within 24 hours.    This is because the only thing better than monetizing the U.S. debt is pre-monetizing the U.S. debt.

Company Profits

While Washington implements billions of dollars in automatic spending cuts, 60 of the biggest U.S. companies are stashing 40% of their profits offshore to avoid taxes.    Of course, having their money in another country could expose them to possible confiscation without recourse.   This, and other reasons, may be why Obama is about to let spy agencies have access to view all American’s finances.


The idea of Bitcoins, the first digital peer-to-peer currency, is great; however, it sadly has flaws.    Bitcoins are worth their weight in gold; however, since they are digital – hence  the name Bit-coin, and weigh nothing, they can easily collapse to nothing.   Because Bitcoins have inherent limitations of digital technology; such  as an EMP burst, they are not money.   Sorry, but you should get physical and not digital.

Obamacare Bites Fido

Veterinarian machines and equipment that could possibly be used on humans; such as IV pumps, is subject to a 2-3% federal excise tax.    Because of this, this additional expense will be passed on pet owners.    We just keep finding more of these “doggy treats” after Obamacare is passed, right Nancy Pelosi?

Tips for Resisting the Police State

Here are a few…
1. Cops are legally allowed to lie to you and are not your friends.
2. Never ever admit to anything.
3. Ask – repeatedly – whether you are free to go.
4. Never consent to a search.

GMO Labeling

While Californians voted to be kept in the dark in what they are eating, Vermont, thanks to a growing grassroots collaboration of farmers and citizen activists, may be the first state to to mandate the labeling of GMO’s.    Monsanto, like Bloomberg, will appeal; however, neither of them are appealing.

Finally, please prepare now for the escalating economic and social unrest.   Good Day!

All content contained on the Hyper Report, and attached videos is provided for informational and entertainment purposes only.   ‘Hyper Report’ assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, the content on this site is provided without any warranty, express or implied.   No material here constitutes “Investment advice” nor is it a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument, including but not limited to stocks, commodities, corporation, options, bonds, futures, or intrinsically valueless Federal Reserve Notes.   Any actions you, the reader/listener, take as a consequence of any analysis, opinion, or advertisement on this site/video is your sole responsibility.

EMP Could Make Life In US Unsustainable

News Flash:

Today, the Department of Homeland Insecurity has NOT identified a natural, or man-made, electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, event as a serious national security threat. Even though, the event would make living in the United States “unsustainable” for 70 to 90 percent of the population.

While plans to harden systems against such an occurrence, that would cost a few billion dollars, has passed the House (H.R. 668), they are stalled in the Senate.

Rep. Franks, sponsor of H.R. 668, stated that should a nuclear weapon from a rogue state, such as Iran, be detonated in Earth’s atmosphere at a sufficient height above the continental United States, the blast of electromagnetic energy could immediately cripple America’s electric power grid.

Source: http://www.wnd.com

All content contained on the Hyper Report, and attached video is provided for informational and entertainment purposes only. ‘Hyper Report’ assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, the content in this video is provided without any warranty, express or implied. No material here constitutes “Investment advice” nor is it a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument, including but not limited to stocks, commodities, corporation, options, bonds, futures, or intrinsically valueless Federal Reserve Notes. Any actions you, the reader/listener, take as a consequence of any analysis, opinion, or advertisement on this video is your sole responsibility.

120910 – 2013 Fiscal Cliff

Today’s Items:

Israeli EMP Attack Could Throw Iran ‘Back to Stone Age’

Israel might attack Iran by using electromagnetic impulses (EMP) that could cripple the country by shutting down its electronics. Although the weapons are non-lethal, their affect of shutting down water pumps, cars and other necessary machinery would kill a great deal of people and throw the entire nation into a panic situation. With the country in a total meltdown, it will make it easier for US led forces to come in and get the gold.

Italy Has No Plans to Access European Central Bank Bond-Buying Plan
http://www.cnbc.com  1
http://www.cnbc.com  2

Italian Bankster puppet Mario Monti, talking out his backside, stated that he is not expecting Italy to access the European Central Bank’s new bond buying scheme.   The obvious reason is because the German media has hit back at the ludicrous plan that threatens Germany’s own fiscal house.   It appears that there are many who do not want the bailout… for now.   Will Italy be forced into this bond buying scheme or increase the Value added tax?   Well, there goes that bear walking into the woods again.

White House to Miss Deadline for Report On ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Budget Cuts

In an ostrich like move, the White House obviously wants to put off the horrific news of what areas the $109 billion in cuts mandated by the Budget Control Act of 2011 that will go into effect on January 1st, 2013, will come from.   Of course, if that is not bad enough, just think of the $440 billion in across the board tax hikes, that will go in effect on the same date.   And this does not include the multiple huge taxes from Obamacare.   In addition, many of the economically destructive stimulus and bailouts packages passed over the years also stops by January 1st.   Sounds like the happy new year will be a blast folks.

Does Explosion in Food Stamp Spending Contribute to Higher Food Prices?

Food stamp usage, by Americans, has hit 46.7 million, or nearly 1 in 7.   At an average cost of $134 per recipient, is costing the government about $75 billion a year.   Like government subsidized education, is food stamp spending contributing to higher food prices?  The bear returning to the woods  with toilet paper now.

Gun Sales Surge

Smith & Wesson stock is zooming.    The possible reason is an Obama bounce as the firearm maker boosted its outlook for the rest of the year.    Speculation has focused on fears, based on both Obama and Romney’s own comments, of a coming regulatory crackdown on gun ownership.    In short, Obama could be the best gun and ammo salesman of the decade.

Are You Better Off? 40 Statistics That Will Absolutely Shock You

Here are a few…
1. Both political parties supported TARP and auto industry bailouts.
2. Both political parties support the unconstitutional Federal Reserve.
3. Both political parties support the unconstitutional Patriot Act.
4. Both political parties support the unconstitutional TSA.
5. Both political parties support the unconstitutional National Defense Authorization Act.
In short…    Both political parties are bad for America.

Finally, please prepare now for the escalating economic and social unrest. Good Day!

All content contained on the Hyper Report, and attached videos is provided for informational and entertainment purposes only.   ‘Hyper Report’ assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, the content on this site is provided without any warranty, express or implied.   No material here constitutes “Investment advice” nor is it a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument, including but not limited to stocks, commodities, corporation, options, bonds, futures, or intrinsically valueless Federal Reserve Notes.    Any actions you, the reader/listener, take as a consequence of any analysis, opinion, or advertisement on this site/video is your sole responsibility.