121211 – Consumer Debt and Taxes

Today’s Items:

Europe Clings to Policy Debacle

The euro-zone has crashed back into double-dip recession.    According to the European Central Bank, the region will contract 0.3% next year.     Youth jobless rates in Greece, Spain, and Portugal have reached 55.8, 39.1, and 30.1 percent respectfully.    All this while austerity continues to be the rage by politicians.

Illness Delays Trip By Clinton

Hillary Clinton delayed her trip to Morocco for a meeting on the future of Syria’s opposition because of a stomach illness.    Must have had one too many children for supper.

‘Too Big to Fail’ Plan

British and US authorities have a shared plan for tackling institutions deemed too big to fail.    You know, the criminal bankers…    Which will leave the people too poor to save.

Immigration from Mexico to US at Standstill

A study reveals that net migration from Mexico to the US had fallen to zero from 2005 to 2010.    This is a vivid contrast to the 2.2 million that came to the US from Mexico from 1995 to 2000.    Perhaps the biggest reason for the downtrend is that the US economy is in a downward spiral to third world status and Mexico, despite the drug cartels and political corruption, may actually be improving.

US Consumer Debt

At 2.7 trillion dollars, the US consumer debt has hit another record high.    The largest increase in consumer debt was in auto and student loans, which rose by 10.8 billion dollars.    Credit card debt amounted to 3.4 billion dollars.    With high unemployment, it is unlikely that the numbers will go down in the near future.

Some Taxes You May Not Know About

Here are some not-to-obvious taxes that Americans pay for that add up…     fishing license, food license, gift, inventory, Self-employment, Service charge, Septic permit, tire, and now the tanning tax.    Whew!!!     I am just taxed out.

California Supreme Court to Rule On Obama

In the unlikely event that the California Supreme Court were to rule that Obama should be declared illegitimate for the U.S. Presidency due to his use of forged IDs and a fraudulently obtained Connecticut Social Security number, things would get messy.     The loss of 55 electoral votes would mean new elections in the US and throw everything Obama has done into the scrap heap.    If that were to happen, that would make for real entertainment.    Possibly in the form of President Bite Me err… Biden.

5 Ways to Respond to Loss of Freedom

1. Be glad that your brain still works
2. Be proud of yourself for seeing the truth
3. Consider yourself a patriot
4. Thank God for the liberties you still enjoy
5. Don’t despair.    Prepare!

Finally, please prepare now for the escalating economic and social unrest.     Good Day!

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