140811 – Citizenship

Today’s Items:

De-Dollarization Accelerates

The last 3 months have seen Russia’s “de-dollarization” plans accelerate.    The UK signed a currency swap agreement with China, then Turkey cuts ties and mulls de-dollarization.    Russian and Chinese central banks have agreed a draft currency swap agreement.   The more economic sanctions the U.S. lobs at Russia, the more they will be forced away from a U.S. Dollar-denominated trading system and into one which faces China and India.

Financial Destruction

According to David Stockman, investors need to brace themselves for historic and worldwide financial destruction.  The Fed has not only painted itself into a corner with no way out by its policies, we are seeing U.S. foreign policy collapsing as well.  The stock market, fueled indirectly by the Fed, has gone straight up for the last 62 months giving an illusion of economic growth; however, this fairytale will not have a happy ending.


A record number of Americans have renounced their citizenship.    The Treasury Department is required to publish a quarterly list of those renouncing their citizenship; however, that number may actually be understated.    With that said, 576 have renounced their citizenship this quarter making it 1677 for this year so far.

Auto Loans

Auto sales have been one of the few drivers of this so-called recovery.    They have been pushed up by easy credit, longer terms, lower credit quality, and sky-high loan-to-value ratios.    These loans lock the buyer out of the market for years to come; thus, expect things to collapse.

Food Prices

According to UN, global food prices hit a six-month low in July led mainly by sharp declines in grains, oilseeds, and dairy, which balanced out rising meat and firm sugar prices.    They go on to say that food prices will remain stable for 10 years?    Don’t count on it.    Anyway, take advantage of these current low prices and ensure your long term food supply is in place.

Correcting Obama

The activist group Gun Owners of America, in an open letter, corrected Obama that the second amendment does not give citizens the right to bear arms, but protects that pre-existing right.    The government does not grant rights.     It’s all about the language folks.

Space Sounds

The interesting thing about the recorded sounds, by NASA, of various planets in our solar system is that everything, and everyone, makes a sound.    To that end, make it a good one folks.

Finally, please prepare now for the escalating economic and social unrest.    Good Day!

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131003 – Punishment Vs Rights

Today’s Items:

Empty Threat

As the U.S. Treasury conducts some extraordinary tap dancing to keep the government spending in deficit spending mode.    Treasury Secretary Lew warned that if the debt limit is not raised by October 17th, the U.S. will be in default.    Sorry, that is not quite true.     The fact is that the U.S. government will, for the first time in decades, be forced to spend only what it brings in.    Yes, that means a lot of programs will be cut; however, that is the price that must be paid for fiscal responsibility.    A term that many in Washington are clueless about.

Gold Take-down

Robin Griffiths, of Cazenove Capital out of London, believes a lot of very big entities have a vested interest in gold and silver prices not rocketing up right now. While paper is easy to trade, obtaining the physical in large quantities is extremely difficult.    India and China are mopping up vast amounts of gold.   He goes on to say that the gold price should test the 1180 dollar mark; however, it is going to rocket up.

They’re Axed!

Some good news has come from the government shutdown; in that, we are finding out how many non-essential government employees there are.    91% of the 94,500 IRS employees are axed!    93% of the 16,000 at the EPA are axed.   Of the 2 million government employees, 41%, or over 815,000, are axed!   Now, where is the downside to this shut-down again?

Blocking the NSA?

A 100 dollar device, by John McAfee, would communicate with smart devices to create a decentralized network that cannot be accessed by government agencies.   So, we are to believe that the U.S. Government is going to allow this device without any back-doors?

Constitutional Rights

In addressing state gun legislation, the Missouri Supreme court has held that the removal of a persons right to keep and bear arms is not a punishment.    Just one question for these super-genius’s…    If a state has a law to allow for the torture of citizens, without conviction, is it legal since these citizens are not being punished?

Family Reunion

I will be away for the next few days at a family reunion with very limited access to the web; thus, there will be no reports until I get back.

Finally, please prepare now for the escalating economic and social unrest.     Good Day!

All content contained on the Hyper Report, and attached videos is provided for informational and entertainment purposes only.    ‘Hyper Report’ assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, the content on this site is provided without any warranty, express or implied.   No material here constitutes “Investment advice” nor is it a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument, including but not limited to stocks, commodities, corporation, options, bonds, futures, or intrinsically valueless Federal Reserve Notes.    Any actions you, the reader/listener, take as a consequence of any analysis, opinion, or advertisement on this site/video is your sole responsibility.

130920 – A Right is a Privilege?

Today’s Items:

Spain’s Pension Inflation Index

The Spanish government will no longer link their government pensions to inflation.   This is the same as if the U.S. government ended the CPI on federal pensions.   Just imagine AARP members reactions; however, watching Spain is a clue to what will happen here.

Number One Priority

Obama has decided to make immigration his number one priority like he did with universal healthcare, creating jobs, and not raising taxes on the middle class.   It is amazing how all of his number one priorities turn into disasters.    In truth folks, his only real number one priority is golf.    But it get’s worse…

The Debt

It is becoming more apparent that the scar on Obama’s head indicates that he may have received a lobotomy or he was dropped one too many times as a baby reptile.    He actually stated that raising the debt ceiling does not increase our debt even though it has done exactly that over 100 times.    Does he really expect the world to believe that the person, who oversaw a 6 trillion dollar debt increase under his watch, is suddenly going to change course and not increase the debt?

First Amendment Is A Special Privilege?

The apparently treasonous Diane Feinstein has proposed an amendment to the Media Shield Law to take away 2nd amendment privileges from all Americans except for whom she calls “Real Reporters.”    Watch as this waste of skin tries to identify those reporters, whom she would allow to speak.     Hey Diane, the first amendment is part of what used to be called the Bill of Rights for a reason.

McCain’s Pravda Op-ed

Insane McCain, writing an Op-ed in Pravda, told the Russian people that they deserve to live in a society where they can live freely and in accordance with the “inalienable rights” enjoyed by Americans under the Constitution.    Needless to say, he never mentions how he, and others, are working to destroy those so-called “inalienable rights” in America.

IRS Tracking

The IRS group, in Dallas, tracked political groups after their exemptions were approved for “potential future action.”   So, the Cincinnati group sat on tax exemption status and the Dallas group tracks.    This is now a conspiracy, by the IRS, to target anyone opposed to Obama and can never be trusted ever again.

Finally, please prepare now for the escalating economic and social unrest.   Good Day!

All content contained on the Hyper Report, and attached videos is provided for informational and entertainment purposes only.    ‘Hyper Report’ assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, the content on this site is provided without any warranty, express or implied.    No material here constitutes “Investment advice” nor is it a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument, including but not limited to stocks, commodities, corporation, options, bonds, futures, or intrinsically valueless Federal Reserve Notes.    Any actions you, the reader/listener, take as a consequence of any analysis, opinion, or advertisement on this site/video is your sole responsibility.