150426 – Golden Age of Injustice

Today’s Items:

Wiped Clean

One of Greece’s largest banks plans to write off the debt of clients who owe up to 20,000 euros. Several bank bosses have left their posts since Greece’s radical left government came to power in January and the European Central Bank no longer accepts Greek sovereign bonds as collateral. In short, the Greek banks, in desperate need of liquidity, are between a rock and a hard place.

National Debt

In 2004, the federal debt was $7.3 trillion. This rose to $10 trillion when the housing bubble burst four years later. Today it exceeds $18 trillion. So, in 2004, the average taxpayer owed $72,000. Today, they owe over $154,000.

Retirement Savings

According to a new retirement survey, only 67% of American workers, or their spouse, have saved money for retirement. 57% have less than $25,000 in savings and 28% have less than $1,000. If you’re in your mid-50s to early 60s, you should have six to nine times your salary in your retirement accounts to maintain your present standard of living.

JPMorgan’s Silver

Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan, warned stockholders that a crisis worse than 2008 is coming. To that end, they have been amassing a huge stockpile of physical silver, presumably in anticipation of a major liquidity event. For example, JPMorgan has added over 8.3 million ounces of additional silver to their holdings in just the past 2 weeks alone.

Golden Age of Injustice

Here are some examples of what Eric Holder calls the “Golden Age of Justice” as he leaves the Department of Injustice…
1. Supporting voter intimidation by the New Black Panthers.
2. Politicized hiring in the career civil service ranks.
3. Illegal surveillance and targeting of the press.
4. Supporting the murder of people in both the U.S. and Mexico, to destroy the 2nd Amendment that was exposed Fast & Furious.
Golden Age? More like Golden showers.

Fixing Business

As McDonald’s sees yet another quarter of sliding sales and profits, their CEO unveiled initial details on a plan to turn that around. Aside from all day breakfast menus, perhaps the franchise could start selling food instead of food that contains ingredients that people cannot pronounce.

Kenny Rogers?

Only 5 out of 15 random students at the taxpayer funded University of Maryland could recognize a picture of Ronald Reagan. Some believed it was a picture of Kenny Rogers or John Wayne. Yet another success story from academia folks.

Finally, please prepare now for the escalating economic and social unrest. Good Day!

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Thank you

150118 – Scared Press

Today’s Items:

Global Meltdown

According to Gerald Celente, the shocking Swiss move may only be the beginning of a much larger global meltdown. Most people know that the global economy is in a slowdown because people do not have the money to buy things. That’s why retail sales are down not only in the U.S. but around the world. Governments may be more afraid of people taking to the streets because they have lost everything than the idea of terrorism.

Gas Tax

U.S. drivers are projected to save somewhere between $380 and $750 dollars during 2015 and this has offered a rare glimmer of hope from the disastrous economic conditions of the last six years. But if Washington politicians, in both political parties, have their way, this brief reprieve may be very short lived as they attempt to raise gas taxes as much as a dollar per gallon.

Obamawreck Scapegoat

With the latest resignation of Marilyn Tavenner in disgrace, the Obamawreck chair is going to be like a bureaucratic electric chair. This scam is guaranteed to careen from failure to scandal and back again with whoever is in charge just being a handy placeholder to take the blame.

Scared Press

After the Paris attack, many in the press fear reprisals for satire. So, why are the press scared? That question can be answered honestly with another question. Why are the majority of Mideast News bureaus located in Jerusalem and not in any other Mideast city? If one is truly honest, the answer is sadly clear as crystal.

Civil Forfeiture

The practice, of confiscating items like cash, cars, and homes from people on the basis of suspicion by state and local police has been widespread. Now, in an action that is out of character, Eric Holder, citing the safeguarding of civil liberties, stated that state and local police will no longer be able to use federal laws to justify seizing property without evidence of a crime. I don’t know, but something about this stinks… Could this be because it has been revealed that the Department of Injustice has illegally kept a possibly illegal secret database on American phone conversations?

Environment Trumps Genetics

New research, from Stanford University, shows that how the immune system does its job seems to depend more on the environment than on a person’s genes. In three-quarters of the measurements, differences between pairs of twins were more likely due to non-heritable influences – such as previous infections or vaccinations. So, it appears that a person is responsible for their own health and should stop blaming their ‘genes’ no matter how tight they are.

Finally, please prepare now for the escalating economic and social unrest. Good Day!

All content contained on the Hyper Report, and attached videos is provided for informational and entertainment purposes only. ‘Hyper Report’ all information to be truthful and reliable; however, the content on this site is provided without any warranty, express or implied. No material here constitutes “Investment advice” nor is it a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument, including but not limited to stocks, commodities, corporation, options, bonds, futures, or intrinsically valueless Federal Reserve Notes. Any actions you, the reader/listener, take as a consequence of any analysis, opinion, or advertisement on this site/video is your sole responsibility.

141109 – 3rd Term?

Today’s Items:


The good news is that 214,000 Americans found jobs last month as the official unemployment rate dropped to 5.8%.    The bad news is that many were low wage jobs like fast food and store cashiers and not the high paying technology sector which lost jobs.      The manipulation of job numbers will not stop this fabricated recovery from failing.

It’s the Economy!

It is believed that the Republican takeover of both houses of Congress is because voters do not believe the economy is improving.    They do not believe the BLS reports about unemployment when 45% of those ages 16 to 54 are no longer counted as part of the workforce.    Of course, while there may be front-stage drama, don’t expect Republicans to make things better for anyone outside of Wall Street.

3rd Term?

Even though Obama may be one of the most unpopular presidents in U.S. history, 39% of Democrats want him for a third term.     What is even more bizarre is that only one in four Democrats disapprove of Obama’s performance as 88% of them still like Obama who has many of the characteristics of a sociopath.    These are likely the same people that will believe Wendy Davis’ explanation that she lost the Texas governor race because of Ebola!


Courtesy of the U.S. government, there has been a 14.5 billion dollar increase in both student and car loans. Total consumer debt, in September, increase by 15.9 billion dollars.    Student loan debt is more than 1.2 trillion dollars.     It is amazing that so many do not see the insidious nation of debt.     Benjamin Franklin’s quote “Rather go to bed without dinner than to rise in debt” should be a warning.

Dish Dumps CNN

A decade ago, losing CNN would have been a disaster for Dish that has 14 million subscribers; however, there is no justification to pay a double-digit increase for something that people are watching half as much.    Dish is trying to compete with Netflix and they cannot do that with dinosaurs like CNN.

Vulgar Holder

Emails from Eric Holder demonstrate the profanity and vulgarity of the individual.     Hopefully, if Holder is convicted in a court of law, he may not exactly have his backside kissed if he drops the soap.    Speaking of crimes…

IRS Whoppers

First, we’re told that Lois Learner’s emails were unrecoverable in which no thinking person believed.    Now we’re told that IRS personal hadn’t even searched the IRS computers themselves.    To that end, anyone, at the IRS and the Department of Injustice, remotely associated to this scandal should be forced to listen to Obama’s speeches continuously for the next 20 years; however, that would be cruel and unusual punishment; thus, after being convicted in a real court of law, perhaps they should be hanged?

Finally, please prepare now for the escalating economic and social unrest. Good Day!

All content contained on the Hyper Report, and attached videos is provided for informational and entertainment purposes only.    ‘Hyper Report’ all information to be truthful and reliable; however, the content on this site is provided without any warranty, express or implied.    No material here constitutes “Investment advice” nor is it a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument, including but not limited to stocks, commodities, corporation, options, bonds, futures, or intrinsically valueless Federal Reserve Notes.    Any actions you, the reader/listener, take as a consequence of any analysis, opinion, or advertisement on this site/video is your sole responsibility.